Cylindrical roller brushes

The cylindrical brushes consist of tufts inserted on a cylindrical support of plastic, wood, metal / wood and aluminum / wood. Depending on the type of work that the brush has to face and the dimensional constraints, it may be necessary to strengthen the support with specific elements or patented techniques.

This type of cylindrical brush can be created based on the customer’s design or the customer can adapt the project to a standard model already in production.

The cylindrical roller brush is extremely performing in work and fast in assembly. The movement of the brush can be given directly to the support or to the reinforcement structure inserted in it. The reinforcement can be removable or fixed, protruding or re-entering.

We are able to balance the brush to minimize vibrations as a function of rotation speed and total mass.

Related products

For better results and added value to your products, we offer as an alternative to traditional cylindrical brushes, patented cylindrical brushes that have greater working efficiency.

For those who work in the ceramic sector, we have a long tradition of products made specifically for the sector of the production of porcelain stoneware and other machines in the supply chain.

As an alternative to the cylindrical roller brush, the following items can be considered:

  • modular cylindrical sector brushes;
  • brushes with oblique modular sectors;
  • brushes with patented modular sectors.

These cylindrical sectors called “rollers” are cylindrical brushes of a few centimeters in length which are coupled to become the desired length. This solution can be cheaper than the one-piece cylindrical brush, but sometimes less performing.

Custom prototypes

We are able to produce many models with different specifications in a very short time, but we are also available to study customized models for prototyping based on the needs of your project.

Tell us your goal, problem or need and we will try together to find a solution, this is the spirit that has been driving us for over 40 years.

In this case, making a custom-made brush that involves a specific study to be used for a prototype or for a small sampling, there is the economic question to consider, depending on the budget you have available we will be able to advise you on the most appropriate solution to arrive. first to the solution.

Dimensions and technical specifications

The dimensional variables of a cylindrical brush are many (see drawing), the applicable bristle arrangements are infinite: arrangement in parallel rows, staggered, right and left spiral, cusp as well as various patented bristle arrangements.

The quality or type of filaments, their section and rigidity, length, position, direction of projection and consequently the diameter of the tuft that contains them are truly innumerable.

cylindrical brush on drawing
Measurement range

L length of the support = from 20 mm to 3500 mm
B Ø of the support = from 40 mm to 300 mm
P Bristle height = from 10 mm to 280 mm
T diameter of bristle holes = 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 mm

Support material = PVC, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Wood, Aluminum and Steel

Type of filaments supported = Polypropylene, Nylon, Abrasive (Tynex), Polyester, Tampico, Horsehair, Steel

SCustom cylindrical brush

We produce cylindrical brushes according to the customer’s project.

To determine the technical characteristics of the desired product, it is necessary to contact the technical office and specify the use to be carried out by the brush, the material of the bristles and the cylindrical support, finally the measurements shown in the diagram.

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