Brushes for animal husbandry
In breeding, brushes are used for relaxation and cleaning of animals or for the machinery used for their care.
As brushes for breeding we do not only mean brushes for grooming the coat of animals as happens in horses or fur animals, but today industrial brushes have entered powerfully in the best breeding stalls for cleaning environments and animals. Thanks to high quality materials, more and more companies operating in machinery for livestock and stables turn their preference to our brushes for livestock because they are very robust and last much longer.
Numerous models of flat brushes are used to scrape and clean the pavement of open spaces or stable floors where livestock dung accumulates several times a day. For health and hygiene reasons, the environment in which the animal spends the day must be adequately sanitized.
A further use of brushes in farms is found in cleaning feeders or for mixing ingredients in meal preparation, while other disc brushes bring the ground mixes closer to the inlets of the cages. At the end of the meal, other brushes remove the remainder by eliminating food residues that can decompose.
In recent years, attempts have been made to create real “relaxation areas” in mammalian farms such as cows, goats, horses and pigs. In these corners, machines equipped with cylindrical floating brushes are installed so that the animals can be scrubbed.
Brooms and brushes for stables
For large rooms and outdoor areas, machines similar to rakes are used that mount fork combs made with strips of bristles, or flat brushes are used fixed on frames that act as a maxi broom and are pushed by a forklift or tractor.

In the fishing sector, as in other sectors of secondary animal breeding, brushes are used to convey or filter the passage of animals through the tanks in order to bring subjects of a given size into a tank.